We are making good progress with working independently now that we are very familiar with how all the lessons work. We learned something in our conference with her teacher last week — if she knows the subject matter well, it is okay for her to not complete each lesson in the unit or all of each lesson. We also learned something else. It is okay for her to work ahead. Being able to skip parts of some lessons has enabled her to do a little more catching up and working ahead. Here is a picture of her working with her teacher and the other kids in her class during the conference last week.
Earlier this week she did an entire unit of science in about an hour. It was something she had already covered in school and we were having fun so we kept going until we were tired of it! She really enjoys science. We did some extra work on spelling and language this week as well. With her not starting in the school until a month and a half after everyone else did she has a bit of catching up to do but a good portion of this material she already knows because she had it at school.
very inspiring! tell her I love her!