Schooling at home is going great now that we are on our fourth week. She is really enjoying it and I'm learning how to do her school and my work at the same time.
A couple of weeks ago I spend a day or so working on improving her speed and independence, but quickly gave that up in favor of encouraging independence. Her pace is quite unhurried and I thought I'd gently nudge her into working quicker in areas where she knows the subject matter, but it didn't really work out that well. I know her well enough to know to back off before she got flustered, which happens easily when she is hurried. We'll pick that up later (I guess).
Encouraging independence is working out well and of course my being more familiar with how the program works helps in that area too.
She is going to speak with her teacher tomorrow for the first time and she's excited about that. In the meantime I have to make sure the computer has whatever programs it needs for the conference and that I know how to operate them.
She has a paper that she's been working on for about a week and when it is finished I will publish it here.
I'm glad things are going better!