Our first week of school at Arkansas Virtual Academy has been a whirlwind for sure! We got a phone call on Saturday, filled out online applications that night, filled out paper applications and got more paperwork from their schools on Monday and dropped it off at the ARVA office in Little Rock, and fielded phone calls from school representatives that evening. We went from elation at getting the phone call, wondering whether or not the girls had been accepted for sure, to disappointment that only one got in, all within a few days' time.
A massive amount of documents and instructions was dumped into my email on Tuesday, and I spent the rest of the week trying not to drown in them. Earlier today I was finally able to catch my breath and finish all the training so they could put my daughter's lessons up for her. Just as I was finishing watching a million orientation videos she said she was starting to get worried about school and that she felt she was getting behind. I assured her that she was not behind and that I was almost finished with what I had to do so that they could give her something to do. Sure enough, at around noon today, they put her lessons up and we got started!
Here she is doing a math lesson about odd and even numbers. We used pennies for counters because her supplies haven't arrived yet, and some index cards from a math game at her old school (and some I made just for the lesson). We also did spelling and of course she did her other work that I gave her that she's been doing all week.